MobilePay Invoice

MobilePay Invoice is the easy and efficient solution for paying bills. It meets the needs of your customers to get everything done quickly from mobile. All it requires is a user with a MobilePay account.

The customer can pay the bill with one swipe in MobilePay and avoids manual entry, which could otherwise be the reason for not paying the bill. At the same time, you do not let the customer make any mistake entries.

And the ease of use makes a difference. 98% pay before or at the latest on the due date - and a full 69% pay before.

Read about MobilePay Invoice here and sign up.

Adding a MobilePay Invoice payment method

Payment methods for MobilePay Invoice is subject to a phone number. To create a payment method for MobilePay Invoice, make a POST request to /paymentmethods/{customerId} with a body including the following object:

  "type" : 1152,
  "makedefault" : "true", /* will make the payment method default on the customer */
  "user" : { 
    "identity" : "+4512345678", /* Mobile number of user */
    "paymentgateway" : "mobilepayinvoice" 

For payments to be processed correctly, the Mobile Phone field on the customer record, must be updated to reflect the user mobile phone number.

These fields are required for MobilePay invoice to work:

  • Customer mobile phone (+45 for Denmark, +358 for Finland)
  • Customer address line 1
  • Customer zip, city and country (Denmark or Finland supported)
  • Customer currencycode (DKK for Denmark, EUR for Finland)


MobilePay Invoices does not provide a sandbox environment for testing. However, payments are concent based and require the user to accept the payment on the MobilePay phone application. Simplfy reject the payment for testing.