contact object

Properties of the contact object. Contacts are always childs of existing customers.

  /* Id of object, non-mutable and set by Upodi */
  "id": "guid",
  /* required. id of the parent customer */
  "customerid": "guid",
  /* required. defines the type of contact. 8=invoice is sent to contact, 16= Delivery 	adress is used from contact, 32=GLN contact. Uses combined value of flags (fx 24=invoice is sent to contant and delivery to) */
  "contacttype": "integer",
  /* the GLN id when contact is of type 32 */
  "gln": "string",
  /* required */
  "fullname": "string", 
  /* custom key, example a remote id */
  "refkey": "string", 
  "primaryemail": "string",
  "homephone": "string",
  "businessphone": "string",
  "mobilephone": "string",
  "addressline1": "string",
  "addressline2": "string",
  /* text field */
  "note": "string",
  /* address city */
  "city": "string",
  "postalcode": "string",
  /* address country */
  "country": "string",
  /* address county */
  "county": "string",
  /* address state */
  "state": "string",
  "customer": "customer object",
    /* non-mutable and set by Upodi */
  "createdby": "guid",
    /* non-mutable and set by upodi */
  "modifiedby": "guid",
    /* non-mutable and set by upodi */
  "createddate": "datetime",
    /* non-mutable and set by upodi */
  "modifieddate": "datetime"