customer object

Properties of the customer object.

  /* id of object, non-mutable and set by Upodi */
  "id": "guid",
  /* object id if the customer has a parent customer */
  "parentid": "guid",
  /* if true, the parent customer will be the billing entity */
  "billtoparent": "boolean",
  /* if true, any invoices billed on the same day will be collected on one */
  "collectivebilling": "boolean",
  /* required, can be customized */
  "accountnumber": "string",
  "companyname": "string",
  /* company vat number with ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country identifier and then numerical digits. Example: DK12345678 */
  "companyvat": "string",
  /* required */
  "fullname": "string", 
  /* custom key, example a remote id */
  "refkey": "string", 
  "primaryemail": "string",
  /* required */
  "currencycode": "string", 
  "currency": "currency object",
  /* only returned on single-object GET calls */
  "discount": "object",
  /* required */
  "autobill": "boolean", 
  /* id of default payment method - can be extracted via $expand=DefaultPaymentMethod */
  "paymentmethod": "guid",
  "homephone": "string",
  "businessphone": "string",
  "mobilephone": "string",
  "addressline1": "string",
  "addressline2": "string",
  /* text field */
  "note": "string",
  /* address city */
  "city": "string",
  "postalcode": "string",
  /* address country */
  "country": "string",
  /* address county */
  "county": "string",
  /* address state */
  "state": "string",
  /* default payment method object if expanded */
  "defaultpaymentmethod": "paymentmethod object",
  "parent": "parent object",
  /* supported days of payment term. values: 
  	-1=notset, 0=onreciept, 8=net8 days, 14=net14, 21=net21, 30=net30, 45=net45, 60=net60, 90=net90 */
  "paymentterm" : "int",
  "ourreference": "string",
  "businessunitid": "guid",
  "businessunit": "businessunit object",
  /* Overwrite any default email template set coming from the product plan */
  "emailtemplatesetid": "guid",
  "subscriptions": "subscription[] array",
  "invoices": "invoice[] array",
  "contacts": "contact[] array",
  "paymentmethods": "paymentmethod[] array",
  "subscriptioncharges": "subscriptioncharge[] array",
  "transactions": "transaction[] array",  
    /* non-mutable and set by upodi */
  "createdby": "guid",
    /* non-mutable and set by upodi */
  "modifiedby": "guid",
    /* non-mutable and set by upodi */
  "createddate": "datetime",
    /* non-mutable and set by upodi */
  "modifieddate": "datetime",
  "discount" : "discountsource object"