
Webhooks are a quick way to keep track of event.

Event notifications

Webhooks are used as a messaging channel, to keep line of business systems synchronized with events inside Upodi. A webhook cannot be used as a reliable state of an object or action. The webhook should be used for event notification in conjunction with the API.

What are webhooks

Webhooks refer to a composite event with an object. Webhooks are like a phone call that Upodi rings to notify you of an event. The event could be the creation of a new customer or the payment of a subscription. The webhook endpoint is the system answering that phone call who takes actions based upon the specific information it receives.

Notifications are Event objects. This Event object contains all the relevant information about what just happened, including the type of event and the data associated with that event. The webhook endpoint uses the event details to take any required actions, such as indicating that an order should be fulfilled.


Webhooks are sent immediately upon the event. We queue each request and will replay the event until your endpoint returns a HTTP 2xx response (normally 200). If we receive anything other than a 2xx response, or we get no response at all, we first pause the event for 30 minutes and then replay the event. From there on we pause the webhook for 3 hours and repeat this replaying for up to 72 hours or until we receive a successful response. After this grace period we discard the call, log the event and stop sending the webhook.


Order of events

When dealing with webhooks, events may be un-ordered due to the delivery of the events. Durability and size of the event payload may change the order in which the event is sent.

A common pattern is to capture events over a period of time and Use the Time property of the payload to compare the order of the event.

How we handle webhooks

Upodi sends webhooks to any public available webserver as HTTP POST. You can specify multiple endpoints in the Upodi application. Each endpoint will recieve a copy of all events.


  • Enable a public available web endpoint using HTTP (port 80) or HTTPS (port 443).
  • We will keep retrying the webhook endpoint ever 3 hours until we receive a 2xx for up to 72 hours.
  • Upodi catches the response code.
  • Method is POST.
  • "Signature" will correspond to the authenticity token, and can be used to verify the source.

Webhook body
A webhook holds various information and details. Please make a sample to monitor the response formats.

This is an example of a webhook body (customer, create event):

  "ID" : "f07b8521-4421-4de6-96a5-178cf498cfef",
  "Time" : 131516890300860922,
  "Signature" : YTYxNWEzMdItZTBgg5i00YWE4LTk5tu6rh2JiZmEyODk5OGMz,
  "Action" :"create",
  "Issuer" : {
    "Url" : "/Customer/create/0ea627de-158e-48b1-bcbb-7fe6058d191c",
  "Data" : null,
  "Type" : 


Need to test a webhook?

Services like Webhook Site enable quick test of the webhook calls from Upodi. Setup a Webhook.site endpoint and add the URL to the Upodi webhook.

The followings events are sent from Upodi, to endpoint configured under webhooks.

ObjectActionDescriptionEnum (for Subscribe)
All-Subscribe to all events0
CustomercreateOccurs when a customer is created. Payload is the customer object.1UL << 0
updateOccurs when a customer is updated. Payload is the customer object.1UL << 1
deleteOccurs when a customer is deleted. Payload is the deleted customer object. Payload is the customer object.1UL << 2
SubscriptioncreateOccurs when a subscription is created. Payload is the subscription object.1UL << 6
updateOccurs when a subscription is updated. Payload is the subscription object.1UL << 7
deleteOccurs when a subscription is deleted. Payload is the subscription object.1UL << 8
cancelOccurs when a subscription is cancelled. Payload is the subscription object.1UL << 9
activatedOccurs when a subscription is activated. Payload is the subscription object.1UL << 10
startedOccurs when the subscription reaches it's start date. Payload is the subscription object.1UL << 5
renewingOccurs when a subscription is set to renewing state (not subject for evergreen). Payload is the subscription object.1UL << 11
renewedOccurs when a subscription has completed a renewal event (not subject for evergreen). Payload is the subscription object.1UL << 12
endedOccurs when a subscription has ended. Payload is the subscription object.1UL << 13
holdOccurs when a subscription is put on hold. Payload is the subscription object.1UL << 14
expireOccurs when a subscription has expired. Payload is the subscription object.1UL << 15
resumedOccurs when a subscription is resumed. Payload is the subscription object.1UL << 16
switchplanOccurs when a subscription switches plan. Payload is the subscription object.1UL << 17
billedOccurs when a subscription bills any number of subscription charges. Payload is the subscription object.1UL << 18
InvoicecreateOccurs when an invoice is created. Payload is the invoice object.1UL << 19
updateOccurs when an invoice is updated. Payload is the invoice object.1UL << 20
deleteOccurs when an invoice is deleted. Payload is the invoice object.1UL << 21
bookedOccurs when an invoice is booked. Payload is the invoice object.1UL << 25
paidOccurs when an invoice is paid. Payload is the invoice object.1UL << 22
pdf generatedOccurs when the PDF of the invoice has been generated and is available to GET via the API. Payload is the invoice object.1UL << 23
invoice mail deliveredOccurs when the invoice email has been successfully delivered in the customers' inbox. Payload is the invoice object.1UL << 24
cancelledOccurs when the invoice gets cancelled. Payload is the invoice object.1UL << 26
Subscription ChargecreateOccurs when a subscription charge is created. Payload is the subscription charge object.1UL << 44
updateOccurs when a subscription charge is updated. Payload is the subscription charge object.1UL << 45
deleteOccurs when a subscription charge is deleted. Payload is the subscription charge object.1UL << 46
holdOccurs when a subscription charge is put on hold. Payload is the subscription charge object.1UL << 48
resumedOccurs when a subscription charge is resumed. Payload is the subscription charge object.1UL << 47
Payment MethodcreateOccurs when a payment method has been created. Payload is the payment method object.1UL << 28
deleteOccurs when a payment method has been deleted. Payload is the payment method object.1UL << 29
updatedOccurs when a payment method has been updated. Payload is the payment method object.1UL << 30
expiredOccurs when a payment method has expired. Payload is the payment method object.1UL << 35
TransactioncreateOccurs when a transaction is created. Payload is the transaction object.1UL << 32
successOccurs when a payment has been successfully carried through. Payload is the transaction object1UL << 33
declinedOccurs when a payment has declined. Payload is the transaction object1UL << 34
DunningstartedOccurs when the dunning has reached step 1. Payload is the dunning object.1UL << 38
stepOccurs when a dunning step has been executed. Payload is the dunning object.1UL << 39
endedOccurs when the final dunning step is executed, regardless of final action. Payload is the dunning object.1UL << 40
Discount consumercreateOccurs when a discount consumer is created. Payload is the discount consumer object.1UL << 50
deleteOccurs when a discount consumer is deleted. Payload is the discount consumer object.1UL << 51
EntitlementscreateOccurs when a subscription is active with a new entitlement. Payload is the subscription object.1UL << 58
updateOccurs when an entitlement gets updated for all active subscriptions for that product. Payload is an array of changes.1UL << 59
deleteOccurs when a subscription is no longer active with an entitlement. Payload is the subscription object.1UL << 60

Subscribe via API

You can subscribe via the API using a flagged enum when you want to subscribe for more than one event at a time. In the below case 3 as the value means I subscribe to both Customer Created and Customer Updated events.

curl --request POST \
     --url https://api-front.upodi.io/Webhooks \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer {ApiKey}' \
     --header 'X-version: {version}' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
  "EventNotificationEnum": 3,
  "Url": "https://mysystem.com/notifymehere",
  "FullName": "notify me on customer creations"