Have NEMID ready
You will need a NemID administrator or company account to access the portal of NETS. In addition, please expect the process of enabling a new merchant to take 1-2 weeks including bank signing.
Betalingsservice operated by Mastercard is a direct debit service only servicing Denmark. Betalingsservice operate consumers and businesses based on a mandate (a right to debit) and one billing per month (by a fixed schedule).
To use Betalingsservice you either have to create a new agreement (1.a) with Mastercard, or change your current agreement to have Upodi act as a data processer (1.b). Be aware - only one (1) data processor per CVR number can be obtained.
Betalingsservice Plus (BS+)
BS+ is an extended agreement allowing customers to receive a FIK 71 payment card of the initial payment. The customer may choose to sign up plus pay the card, or only pay the card.
As the payment is issued prior to signing up to the mandate, Upodi cannot operate this flow. Mandates created as part of this flow will still be imported for future payments. But as not payment reference exist between Upodi and the BS+ payment, this payment will be voided.
Upodi support generating the invoice and scheduling the payment via BS. Read more below.
1.a. Signing up for Betalingsservice
To sign up for a new agreement, please visit and click "Create new appointment". Sign in with your corporate company NemID.
- Fill in the primary contact person for the agreement. This will be a business and/or supporting finance contact. Click "Fortsæt ansøgning" to continue.
- Type in the settlement account information. To continue click "Fortsæt ansøgning".
- In step three, make sure you select to use an external Data Processor. Type 38558862 as Data Processor. This will mark Upodi as your primary Data Processor.
1.b. Changing data processor on an existing agreement
Please plan your change of data processor carefully.
Mastercard Payment Services only support one (1) data processor, which means any notification on mandates and payments will be sent to the active data processor at hand. To avoid that you get into a state of missing settlement of payment(s), we strongly suggest that you ask Betalingsservice to handle the said change of data processor in the middle of a month (15th).
To change your current Data Processor to Upodi, please visitå-hjælp/form-skift-dataleverandør and fill out the form.
- Please add 38558862 as Data Processor.
- Please instruct Mastercard Payment Services to issue a 603 delivery with all mandates to the new data processor. Upodi cannot operate any payments without these mandates. Upodi cannot automatically retrieve these mandates.
Alert Upodi on the intended migration
Please visit this form to begin migration to Upodi.
Whether you sign up for a new agreement or changing an existing agreement, please inform Upodi Helpdesk about the changes. We do not operate agreements without prior consent.
Flow of Betalingsservice using Upodi
Mandates are a digital record (agreement) between the you (the merchant) and the customer (either a consumer or a business). The mandate is what allows Upodi to act on behalf of you, the merchant, in sending (collecting) or returning funds (distribution).
A mandate can be created by contacting the customer bank, informing the debitor group (debitor gruppe in Danish), the customer number (9-15 numbers) and the bank details (registration number and Bank win number). Once received by the bank, the mandate will be marked for processing and Upodi will receive all mandate changes on the account of the merchant.
**You can generate a link to invite customers here.
A mandate can be revoked by either the customer, the bank of the customer or by Mastercard. Various reason occur for the mandate. Each change of mandate is recorded on the customer in Upodi. A customer must have an active mandate, for payment processing to occur.
Mandates are matched between Betalingsservice and Upodi using the account number in Upodi and the account number of the mandate.
Mandates are automatically exchanged
Mandates are automatically imported into Upodi when Upodi is the data processer. This includes new, cancelling and expiring mandates.
Mandates are matched by the customer number received by Mastercard.
Payment processing
Payments are collected once every month as a deadline. Collection of payment are based on a schedule, please seeøsninger/tidsfrist-for-aflevering.
- Midperiod all invoices generated with Betalingsservice as payment method, will be scheduled for the upcoming deadline. An invoice paid using Betalingsservice will hold a status of Pending Payment until Mastercard Betalingsservice have processed the payment.
- Upodi will collect all invoices ready for payment at midnight the day before the Mastercard deadline and send the relevant information to Mastercard.
- In the period between the Mastercard deadline and the first bankday in the coming month, Mastercard will process the payments between the mandate holder bank and your bank accounts.
- In the days following the first bankday and up to - including not excluding - the 11th of a month, payments are settled and the payment status will change from Pending Payment to either Declined or Paid.
In other words the full cycle can be up to 45 days.
Important for payments to process
Mandates must be active, otherwise the invoice will not be processed.
Invoice due date
Invoice due date is ignored when processing Betalingsservice due to the fixed schedule.
Updated 6 months ago