
GLN Invoicing

With Sproom you can automate the GLN invoicing of your customers in Denmark. GLN Invoicing is the transmission of invoices in a common standard language called OIOUBL (XML), ensuring the invoice follows the same established format and is machine readable. Sproom is turned on in Apps > Sproom, and once turned on it will automatically start invoicing GLN customers with a contact of the GLN type with a valid GLN number.



Please be aware that if your ERP supports GLN sendout (e-conomic for example) you will have to turn off the GLN sendout from here to avoid sending it twice.

When Sproom is turned on, a new section on the invoice will display the GLN sendout status.



  • Your company CVR Number added in the setup > general section
  • Contact of type GLN with a GLN number

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