Merging e-mail content

E-mail templates can be edited in pure HTML allowing full customization options and freedom of design. Content elements are presented on the side of the e-mail template editor. These content elements are referred as tags.

Tags replace content from the various objects in the database and are formatted using handlebars {{somename}}.

<table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5">
      {{#if_eq customer.CompanyName}}
      <td>{{customer.CompanyName}} let's you show only the customer company name if it exists</td>
      {{#if_eq customer.CompanyName}}
      <td>{{customer.FullName}} if the customer has no company name, show the full name instead</td>
      {{#if_eq customer.BillToParent "True"}}
      <td>This is only shown when Bill To Parent is true on customer</td>

      {{#switch PaymentMethod.PaymentMethodType}}
              {{#case "Manual"}}
                             <td>This is a manual payment method</td>
              {{#case "Token"}}
                             <td>This is a credit card payment method</td>

An example on how to iterate through various invoice-lines is shown below.

{{#each Invoice.InvoiceLines}}
  <div class="row">


Root level objects

While you're inside the #each you can go up a level with ../
For example: {{../Customer.CompanyName}}

Helper tags

To allow more customizable options for formatting number, dates and providing basic if/if not options.

The following helper tags er supported.

ifCase based if statement.{{#if_eq customer.CompanyName}}
customer name is not "" or empty.
{{/if_eq}} can also combine with else


.. or compare with a value

{{#if_eq customer.CompanyName "John Doe"}}
customer name is John Doe

.. or compare with empty

{{#if_eq customer.CompanyName ""}}
customer name is empty or null
if-notCase based if-not statement.{{#if_not customer.CompanyName}}
customer name is not "" or empty.
{{/if_not}} can also combine with else


.. or compare with a value

{{#if_not customer.CompanyName "John Doe"}}
customer name is not John Doe.

.. or compare with empty

{{#if_not customer.CompanyName ""}}
customer name is not empty or null
switchCase based switch.{{#switch PaymentMethod.PaymentMethodType}}
{{#case "Manual"}}
{{#case "Token"}}
{{#case else}}
else case
eachFor-each loop when iteration.{{#each Invoice.InvoiceLines}}
withEvaluation context{{#with Company}}
unlessUnless statement as an inverse if.{{#unless Customer.FullName}}
formatFormats the value (number or date) using an input.

See this external documentation for syntax of numbers.

See this external documentation for syntax of dates.
{{format Invoice.InvoiceDate "dd-MM-yy"}}

{{format Invoice.InvoiceDate "ddd. MMM yyyy"}}

{{format Invoice.TotalAmount "N"}}

{{format Invoice.TotalAmount "C"}}

{{format Invoice.TotalAmount "0.00"}}
nowPrints the current date and/or time.{{now "dd-MM-yyyy"}}



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