Pausing and resuming subscriptions
Providing an option for your customers to pause their subscription, is a great opportunity to avoid churn and secure a higher chance of a win-back scenario and a returning customer. Hold a subscription either in the Upodi back-end or by using the API
curl --request PUT \
--url{{subscriptionId}}/hold \
--header 'accept: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer {{Base 64-encoded API-Key}}'
When the time comes and you have to resume the customers' subscription there are a few options available.
Resume from the original hold date. Next charge date will be what it was before the hold, meaning the subscription will charge everything from the hold date up until today. Use this if the hold was a mistake or the customer should be charged everything from the original hold date.
Resume from todays date. The next charge date will be set to be today (charging today), and the subscription will resume from today. Be careful this does not lead to overcharging if the period had already been paid for. Can be used when it's important the resuming date is used as a new starting point.
Default: Resume from Next Billing Period. Cycle up the next charge date until it's further than or equal to now. Will maintain the old cycle and next billing date will be where it was scheduled to be before the hold.
Example API call:
curl --request PUT \
--url{{SubscriptionID}}/resume \
--header 'accept: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
--header 'x-version: nxt' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer {{Base 64-encoded API-Key}}'
Updated about 2 years ago