Nets Easy
Nets Easy is a nordic payment service provider operated by Nets A/S. Additional information can be found here:
- Product information
- Support contact or call +45 44 89 24 80
- Developer information
- Easy Merchant portal
Have your Nets Easy account ready. A trial account can be created here. To setup Nets Easy in Upodi, please have your integration keys from Nets Easy available. You will need four (4) keys found under Company > Integration.
In Upodi, go to Settings > Payment Providers > Configuration. Select Nets Easy and click Connect. Provide the four keys and click Connect to complete.
Sandbox = Test and Production = Live
When the Upodi environment is in sandbox mode, the test credentials are used and payments and tokens are issued towards the test environment. Once you put Upodi in production mode, payments and tokens are issued towards the live environment.
Adding a payment method
This is used to create a recurring payment method, which can be used for recurring transactions in Upodi. This does not come with an initial reservation or transaction on the card.
Step 1: Create the token in Nets Easy
Follow this guide from Nets Easy to create a Nets Easy subscription token
What you need from Nets Easy is a Subscription Token
Step 2: Post the token to Upodi
To create a payment method for Nets Easy, make a POST request to /paymentmethods/ with a JSON body as follows:
Example of body
"gateway" :"dibs_easy",
"source" : "{subscription token}",
"customerid" : "{customerId}",
"makedefault" : true
Adding a payment method with a reservation
This creates a recurring payment method with an initial reservation, which Upodi will capture on the first payment attempt. Useful especially in combination with the Checkout functionality, because here you know the first payment amount.
Step 1: Create the token with reservation in Nets Easy
Follow this guide from Nets Easy to create a Nets Easy subscription token.
curl --location -g --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: {NetsEasySecretKey}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Idempontecy-key: {uniqueKey}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"order": {
"items": [
"reference": "{invoiceline.sku}",
"name": "{invoiceline.title}",
"quantity": 1.0,
"unit": "pc",
"unitPrice": 50,
"taxRate": 2500,
"taxAmount": 12.5,
"grossTotalAmount": 62.5,
"netTotalAmount": 50
"reference": "{invoiceline.sku}",
"name": "{invoiceline.title}",
"quantity": 1.0,
"unit": "pc",
"unitPrice": 100,
"taxRate": 2500,
"taxAmount": 25,
"grossTotalAmount": 125,
"netTotalAmount": 100
"amount": 162.5,
"currency": "EUR"
"checkout": {
"termsUrl": "",
"merchantHandlesConsumerData": true,
"charge": false,
"returnUrl": ""
"subscription": {
"endDate": "2060-07-18T00:00:00+00:00",
"interval": 0
Remember to flag it with the Charge: False
parameter to make the payment into a reservation.
Step 2: Post the token to Upodi
"gateway" :"dibs_easy",
"source" : "{\"SubscriptionId\":\"{SubscriptionId}\",\"PaymentId\":\"{PaymentId}\"}",
"customerid" : "{customerId}",
"makedefault" : true
is the recurring token from Nets Easy.
is the reserved payment in Nets Easy.
Updated over 1 year ago