With Maventa you can automate the GLN invoicing of your customers in Finland, Sweden and Norway. GLN Invoicing is the transmission of invoices in a common standard language called OIOUBL (XML), ensuring the invoice follows the same established format and is machine readable. Maventa is turned on in Apps > Maventa, and once turned on it will automatically start invoicing GLN customers with a contact of the GLN type with a valid GLN number.

When Maventa is turned on, a new section on the invoice will display the GLN sendout status.

When you use Upodi to distribute e-invoices via Maventa, you do not need any license with Maventa, Upodi have this covered.

Distribution via Maventa

E-invoice distribution via Maventa will alter the format of invoice using the designated destination country.

Destination countryFormatNote
FinlandFINVOICE 3.0EAN distribution via bank networks is not possible as Upodi being the sender is not allowed to distribute via Finland banks.
Please contact us for using your own agreement.
SwedenOIOXML 3.0
NorwayOIOXML 3.0



  • Your company CVR Number added in the setup > general section
  • Contact of type GLN with a GLN number