Netaxept is a nordic payment service provider operated by Nets A/S. Additional information can be found here:
- Product information
- Support contact or call +45 44 89 24 80
- Developer information
Have your Netaxept account ready. A trial account can be created here. To setup Netaxept in Upodi, please have your integration keys from Netaxept available. You will need four (4) keys found under Company > Integration.
In Upodi, go to Settings > Payment Providers > Configuration. Select Netaxept and click Connect. Provide the four keys and click Connect to complete.
Adding a payment method
Tokenization process
- Follow this guide from Netaxept to create a Netaxept recurring payment token.
To create a payment method for Netaxept, make a POST request to /paymentmethods/ with a JSON body as follows:
Example of body
"gateway": "netaxept",
"source": "{provide netaxept token here}",
"customerid": "{provide upodi customer id here}",
"makedefault": true
Common setup
Follow these steps to setup a tokenized token. Please find your merchantId and Token ready as credentials.

NETS - Netaxept copyright
Allow Upodi to process recurring
To ensure Upodi can process payments on a custom schedule, please make sure that you have provided the parameter recurringFrequency correctly. RecurringFrequency must be set to 0.
1) Register payment
In this sample, we use serviceType=B to display the Netaxept terminal window.
From the response, please grab the transactionid, example: 1113da82df7a4665afe1a601b5247fa5
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RegisterResponse xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
2) Get user input from the payment window
Redirect the user to the following url:{merchantId}&redirectUrl={redirecturl}&transactionId=1113da82df7a4665afe1a601b5247fa5
Once the payment window is completed, you are redirected to the {redirecturl} and the terminalid is a query of the url.
3) Verify the card
Conduct a call to the API again by verifying the request using the following format:
4) Get token
Once completed, grab the panHash (token) by running a Query:{merchantId}&Token={token}&TransactionId=1113da82df7a4665afe1a601b5247fa5
The response will look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PaymentInfo xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<OrderDescription> </OrderDescription>
<Email />
<PhoneNumber />
<CustomerNumber />
<FirstName />
<LastName />
<Address1 />
<Address2 />
<Postcode />
<Town />
<Country />
<SocialSecurityNumber />
<CompanyName />
<CompanyRegistrationNumber />
<Description />
<TransactionReconRef />
<ErrorLog />
<AuthenticatedWith>3-D Secure</AuthenticatedWith>
<AvtaleGiroInformation />
<Type>Recurring (Init)</Type>
Finally send the PanHash
to Upodi as the source in the PaymentMethods API call:
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-version: {version}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {ApiKey}' \
--data '{
"customerID": "d63d87b8-00ea-4037-bf6a-2ffc65984116",
"gateway": "netaxcept",
"source": "aaTTFFOW2RmflfjdmI1RoAzsPI=",
"makeDefault": true
var pm = new CreatePaymentMethodRequest("netaxept", "aaTTFFOW2RmflfjdmI1RoAzsPI=", customer.ID, makeDefault: true);
var paymentMethodResponse = upodi.PaymentMethods.Create(pm);
Updated almost 2 years ago